Unlock the Power of Data to Boost Your Social Impact Mission AND Chances for Investment

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Introducing a simple yet impactful guide designed specifically for founders who are ready to align their ventures with the expectations of venture capitalists, validate sustainable business models, and strategically prepare for fundraising.

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Whats inside?

Introducing a simple yet impactful guide designed specifically for founders who are ready to align their ventures with the expectations of venture capitalists, validate sustainable business models, and strategically prepare for fundraising.

Who's this for?

Early-Stage Founders who are preparing for venture capital funding and want to ensure their business models are validated and sustainable.•

Impact Entrepreneurs who need to demonstrate tangible, data-backed results to attract investors and scale their operations.

Sustainability-Driven Startups across industries such as food, fashion, clean energy, and more, aiming to make a significant impact while securing financial backing.

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Revenue Growth

To build a successful sales funnel for a B2B sales model, startup impact founders need to address the following 10 key factors.

What you'll learn
Guided By
Target Market Identification
Guide Name
Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)

Define the specific types of businesses (industry, size, geography) that are the most likely to benefit from your product or service.

Buyer Personas

Identify key decision-makers within target companies (e.g., CEOs, procurement managers, sustainability officers).

 Value Proposition Clarity
Guide Name
Clear Business Value:

Articulate the specific benefits your solution provides to businesses, particularly how it solves their pain points and adds value (e.g., cost savings, efficiency, sustainability).

Impact Differentiation

Highlight how your product’s impact-driven approach (e.g., ESG compliance, sustainability) benefits the target customer in a measurable way.

Lead Generation Strategy
Guide Name
Inbound Marketing

Create content (e.g., blogs, white papers, webinars) that attracts B2B prospects by addressing their challenges and offering solutions.

Outbound Prospecting

Use sales outreach (cold emailing, calling, LinkedIn networking) to proactively identify and engage potential clients.

Lead Qualification Process
Guide Name
Qualification Criteria

Develop criteria to quickly assess whether a lead is a good fit based on factors like budget, authority, need, and timeline (BANT).


Prioritize leads based on their potential value, urgency, and alignment with your offering to focus on the highest-quality prospects.

Sales Messaging & Positioning
Guide Name
Tailored Messaging

Develop personalized messaging that resonates with different buyer personas within a company. Address the specific concerns of stakeholders in departments like procurement, finance, and sustainability.

Social Proof

Use case studies, testimonials, and success stories to build trust and credibility with prospective clients.

Sales Funnels & Conversion
Guide Name
Defined Sales Funnel Stages

Establish clear stages of your sales funnel (e.g., awareness, consideration, decision) and define what actions move a prospect from one stage to the next.

Conversion Optimization

Continuously optimize each funnel stage by identifying and addressing bottlenecks, whether in lead nurturing, demos, or negotiations.

Relationship Building
Guide Name
Long-Term Relationships

Focus on building trust and rapport with prospects, knowing that B2B sales cycles are often longer and involve multiple stakeholders.

Consultative Selling

Adopt a consultative approach that involves understanding the client's specific needs and offering tailored solutions rather than a one-size-fits-all pitch.

Demonstration of ROI
Guide Name
Tangible ROI Calculation

Provide a clear business case for how your solution delivers a measurable return on investment (e.g., increased revenue, reduced costs, compliance with sustainability goals).

Impact Measurement

For impact-driven solutions, showcase how adopting your product helps businesses achieve their corporate social responsibility (CSR) and ESG objectives.

Sales Tools & Automation
Guide Name
CRM Systems

Use customer relationship management (CRM) software to track leads, manage pipeline stages, and automate follow-ups.

Sales Automation

Implement tools that automate repetitive tasks (e.g., email sequences, scheduling demos), allowing your sales team to focus on high-value activities.

Post-Sale Engagement
Guide Name
Onboarding & Support

Provide excellent post-sale onboarding and ongoing support to ensure customer satisfaction and retention.

Upselling & Cross-Selling

Use existing relationships to upsell higher-value services or cross-sell related solutions, turning initial customers into long-term partners.

By the end you'll
  • Understand your target market and creating tailored value propositions are foundational steps in developing a strong B2B sales funnel.
  • Create & apply tactics for effective lead generation, qualification, and relationship building; 3 critical factors in navigating the often-complex B2B sales cycles.
  • Master your post-sale engagement strategy, which is crucial not just for retention but also for maximizing long-term value through upselling and partnership-building.

By addressing these factors, impact founders can successfully build a pipeline that turns prospects into paying customers while ensuring alignment with both business and impact goals.


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What you'll learn
Guided By
Theory of Change
Marc Sabas

Explore the importance of developing a Theory of Change (ToC) for founders aiming to raise funds from impact-investors. Articulate the journey from your core model to the vision you have for long-term climate and social change. In these sessions we'll ensure your interventions are strategically aligned with measurable outcomes, fostering credibility with investors, stakeholders, and customers alike.

Storytelling 101

Enhanced storytelling skills to communicate your impact vision to investors and stakeholders.

Impact Frameworks

A clear framework to map your startup’s activities to climate impact outcomes alongside tools to measure and track the effectiveness of your interventions over time.

Build Scalable Business Models
Kenny Ewan

Guided by the insights of a successful Pre-Seed to Series B CEO, we’ll dive into Building Scalable Revenue Models for impact-driven startups. You’ll learn how to generate sustainable revenue streams that align with your mission, proving that profitability and purpose can coexist.

Sustainable Revenue Streams

Strategies to build sustainable revenue streams while delivering measurable climate impact.

Stakeholder Alignment

Create a roadmap to scale your business rapidly while maintaining alignment with your purpose with the tools to communicate your business growth potential to investors and partners effectively.

Scope Market Size & Investor Opps
Marc Sabas
Addressable Market

Provide evidence of a large, growing market that supports both business viability and impact goals.

Market Entry and Positioning

Highlight your understanding of the competitive landscape and the company's unique position within it.

Need Title
Marc Sabas
Experienced and Committed Founders

Investors back strong teams, so founders need to show domain expertise, experience, and a deep commitment to the mission.

Team Complementarity

A diverse team with the right mix of skills (technical, operational, and business) to execute the vision.

Product-Market Fit: Nail Your Proof of Concept
Tessa Clarke
Customer Validation

Demonstrate that there is demand for your product or service, supported by early adopters, customer testimonials, or pilot results.

User Feedback and Iteration

Show that you’ve incorporated feedback into your product or service development to meet customer needs.

Traction and Momentum
Nick Hazell
Milestones Achieved

Highlight key metrics such as revenue growth, customer acquisition, partnerships, or product development milestones.

Positive Trends

Illustrate momentum in terms of growth rate, user engagement, or other key performance indicators (KPIs).

Financial Projects and Unit Economics
Marc Sabas
Use of Funds

Clearly outline how the seed round will be allocated to achieve specific milestones (e.g., product development, market expansion).

Sustainable Unit Economics:

Provide realistic financial projections that show how the business can be profitable while scaling.

Risk Mitigation
Tessa Clarke
Address Key Risks

Identify potential risks (e.g., regulatory, market, operational) and show how you plan to mitigate them.


Highlight any competitive advantages such as intellectual property (IP), proprietary technology, or unique partnerships that protect your business.

Impact Investor Alignment
Kenny Ewan
Alignment with Investor Values

Target investors whose values and impact objectives align with the company's mission.

Demonstrate Potential for Return and Impact

Show how your business will deliver both financial returns and positive social/environmental outcomes.

Clear Exit Strategy
Marc Sabas
Long-Term Vision and Liquidity

Present a well-defined exit strategy (e.g., acquisition, IPO) to show how investors can realize a return on their investment.

Impact Preservation

Ensure that the exit strategy aligns with the company’s mission and does not compromise long-term impact.

By the end you'll
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By addressing these factors....this point

Tracking &Measuring Your Impact

To effectively measure the impact a startup is having on sustainability and society, impact founders need to address the following 10 key factors:

What you'll learn
Guided By
Clear Impact Objectives
Marc Sabas
Define Impact Goals

Establish clear, specific, and measurable sustainability and social objectives that align with your mission (e.g., reducing carbon emissions, improving livelihoods).

Impact Areas

Determine the key focus areas (e.g., environmental sustainability, social equity, circular economy) to track your contribution toward solving global challenges.

Impact Metrics Selection
Marc Sabas
Relevant Metrics

Choose metrics that accurately measure the outcomes of your activities. For environmental impact, this could include metrics like CO2 reduction, energy savings, or waste diversion. For social impact, it could be jobs created or improvements in well-being.

Standardized Frameworks

Use established frameworks like the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), or B Impact Assessment to standardize your metrics and reporting.

Baseline Establishment
Marc Sabas
Baseline Data

Collect baseline data to assess your starting point. This allows you to measure the progress or change over time in key impact areas.


Compare your baseline with industry standards or peer organizations to contextualize your performance.

Data Collection Systems
Marc Sabas
Data Infrastructure

Develop robust systems for collecting accurate and reliable data (e.g., software tools, IoT devices, surveys). This is essential for tracking impact consistently.

Quantitative & Qualitative Data

Collect both quantitative data (e.g., emissions reduced, resource use) and qualitative data (e.g., stakeholder interviews, case studies) to provide a holistic view of your impact.

Impact Tracking & Monitoring
Marc Sabas
Regular Monitoring

Set up mechanisms to track impact in real-time or at regular intervals to identify trends and areas for improvement.

KPIs for Continuous Improvement

Establish Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that allow you to track progress against set goals and adjust strategies accordingly.

Attribution & Causality
Marc Sabas
Link Outcomes to Activities

Clearly demonstrate how your actions directly contribute to positive social or environmental outcomes, ensuring that the impact can be attributed to your business activities.

Avoid Impact Washing

Be transparent and ensure that claims about impact are backed by data to avoid overstating or misrepresenting results.

Stakeholder Engagement
Marc Sabas
Engage Stakeholders

Involve key stakeholders (customers, communities, employees, investors) in the impact measurement process to gather insights and validate your approach.

Inclusivity & Accountability

Ensure that marginalized or affected communities are part of the conversation when measuring social impact, fostering inclusive growth.

Impact Reporting Framework
Marc Sabas
Structured Reporting

Create a standardized impact report, detailing your progress, challenges, and successes. Follow frameworks like ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) or Impact Management Project (IMP) for comprehensive reporting.


Be transparent about both positive and negative impacts, making it clear what is working and where improvements are needed.

Third-Party Verification
Marc Sabas
External Audits

Engage third-party organizations or certifiers to validate your impact data (e.g., B Corp Certification, Carbon Trust), ensuring credibility and trust with stakeholders.


Collaborate with NGOs, academic institutions, or consultants who can provide expertise in measuring and verifying your impact.

Impact Scaling Strategy
Marc Sabas
Measuring Scalability

Identify which elements of your business model can be scaled while maintaining or amplifying the positive impact on society and sustainability.

Impact vs. Growth Balance

Develop strategies that ensure impact increases alongside business growth, tracking how scaling up operations affects your overall sustainability goals.

By the end you'll
  • Clear Objectives and Metrics are foundational for measuring impact, ensuring the focus is on the most important areas.
  • Data Collection and Tracking Systems need to be robust and reliable for consistent monitoring.
  • Third-Party Validation and Transparent Reporting ensure credibility, while scaling strategies help maintain a balance between growth and impact.

By addressing these factors, impact founders can build a comprehensive and transparent approach to measuring the positive changes they’re driving in sustainability and society.

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